This Mediumship training program contains chapters that is being built on and over time and contain a lot of information that can be a little hard to take in all at once. So, join and learn in your own pace. School yourself in spiritual growth and develop your psychic abilities to become a psychic medium. Eventually, when you have healed yourself to a certain point, you will be able to work in this area as your profession. This training program is also for you that already work with your spirituality as a profession. It will build a bigger foundation for you to really become successful by purge your life in every different aspect and get rid of blockages that have been in the way of your healing and success.
Become a subscriber to this training program!
US$ 10 per month
Take part of the TAROT SCHOOL, HEALING YOGA, THE SPIRITUAL GROWTH SERIES and DREAM WORK. The TAROT SCHOOL chapters will grow with the Minor Arcana during this spring. And you will also get access to Almost Personal readings.
Particularly valuable are the chapters with abundance and wealth to create your foundation for living an abundant life and remove blockages that is in the way for you to fulfil your mission on earth. It will also help you find your mission!
I am helping you to become aware of signs around you, remember your dreams and let them guide you to face your fears and eventually learn to put up healthy boundaries to the world around you so that you can co-exist in a human context without difficulties or that your old patterns are coming to the surface and creating havoc for you.
These old patterns is what we work thoroughly with in this program to heal yourself and make you ready for your NEW BRIGHT FUTURE. Regardless if this future is with your new won LOVE RELATIONSHIP that you can have since you cleared your old patterns, or if it is in your NEW CAREER that you can be successful in when you have taken down any blockages you had to reach success, or as a PSYCHIC MEDIUM, HEALER, YOGA INSTUCTOR, TAROT READER or whatever will prove itself to be your life mission as a light worker on earth.
There are well built out chapters with Kundalini Yoga, Spiritual Growth Series and SCHOOL OF TAROT where I upload videos in which I share my specific knowledge of Tarot with you. Tarot is a wonderful mirror of your soul and of your life!
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When you have made the payment I will send you a welcome letter with the information on how to log in, within 24 hours. Cancel at any time through the unsubscribe button.
You can also become a Member to my YouTube channel and get access to Premium Content Videos:
- As a Supportive member you have access to my Collective Readings for Spiritual & Personal Growth. The topics are choosen by my members through polls.
- As a Extended member you ALSO get my Tarot Videos 2 days before everyone else and with no adds. You can also order 15 min Rush Readings that is only avalaible for members to my channel.
- As a Full member you ALSO get to ask me Personal Questions that I read for. 60 personal questions every other week for all the twelve astrological signs in 4 readings divided by element, AIR, WATER, FIRE, EARTH.
- As a Full member you ALSO get ALL SIGNS or 4 ELEMENTS READINGS every other week.
The membership for Premium Content videos on YouTube is solely handled by YouTube. I am only providing the service. They take 40% of the income.
My Mediumship School subscription is located and accessed at my webpage and is handled by me through PayPal. PayPal take a 6% fee for the transaction.
DISCLAIMER: This MEDIUM SCHOOL subscription gives you NO access to the Premium Content videos on YouTube, and vice versa. They are two completely different services.
The Mediumship Training has now in 2021 become more serious and the goal is that you yourself will be able to work as psychic medium, healer, tarot reader etc. and heal yourself in the process.
Some of the chapters

Create abundance an wealth

Become aware of the signs arround you.
Start your dreamwork

Learn to deal with difficult situations.
Parts of the content:
Heal yourself
Kundalini Yoga is a uplifting blend of spiritual and physical practices, the practise incorporates movement, dynamic breathing techniques, mindfulness, meditation, and the chanting of mantras, such as Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo meaning "I bow to the Creative Wisdom, I bow to the Divine Teacher within". Or Sat Nam, meaning "truth is my identity." The goal is to heal body and soul and build physical vitality and increase consciousness.
Learn New Technics
I am going through the basics of spiritual practice and showing simple technics to get in tune with your inner being and healing yourself. Step by step I am leading you to the transformation of your body, so you can take down more and more of your soul in your day to day life. Making you more happy, resilient and content no matter of the outside circumstances.
Tarot is a wonderful tool for personal & Spiritual growth
One big reason to why we want to try to find out our future is because we are feeling emotional pain and we want to have reassurance when the pain is going to go away. When our lost lover is coming back, or when we are finally going to get that new job. Tarot is a wonderful tool for this, but the pain that you feel has a deeper meaning and when you start to deal with your pain, you might finally become truly free! Because wherever you go – there you are! And when you are friends with your inside, you become amazingly strong. Because you kind of stop minding whatever happens. Why should you? When you feel alright with whatever happens? That makes you being able to still dream about what you want, but have the patience to wait for it to come with Divine timing!
School of Tarot
The Tarot Cards can have been around for 6000 years, but the proofs of its existence is not older than 600 years and the Modern Tarot was created in the late 1800s, by the Hermetic order Golden Dawn. In 1809 Arthur Edward Waite and Pamela Colman Smith created what was going to be the most famous Tarot deck of all. The Rider-Waite tarot or RWS for those who want to give a female a letter in fame, with the letter "S" for "Smith". Today when you are to search for this deck there are different prints of this deck, The original Rider-Waite, Universal Waite and Universal Tarot or Universal Premium Tarot among many others!
A Guide to all the 78 cards - with Modern Spellcasters Tarot, by Melanie Marquis - Illustrated by Scott Murphy
It was starting as a review of my New Deck. But it became a quick description to the meaning of all the 78 cards in the tarot deck.
Sometimes things just fall into place naturally. About 40 second on every card!
0 - The Fool
The Fool is the Paradis State of Human Kind, before the fall. Before our evolution into a human mind. We were still connected to earth’s grid and all of nature, and we could talk to the animals. The Fool represent innocence and New beginnings. Being naive and potentially reckless because we don't know any better. We don't have the experience just yet, but we have the courage to throw ourselves out in adventure, trusting the universe!
1 - The Magician
The Magician is the human evolutionary state after the fall. We now woke up with a human mind. We were not instinctual beings totally connected with mother nature anymore, so we started to worry, and we started to have problems and problems what was we were able to solve with our newly awakened mind. Sometimes in the manner that we created more problems, that we then needed to solve, creating even more problems. The Magician is the scientist, the author of a visionary story or a creative project and he is having quite a large ego. He still has all the positivism and belief that everything is possible that he shares with The Fool. And he doesn’t believe in the Universe, he believes in Himself!
2 - The High Priestess
The High Priestess never lost the connection with the Divine in the Fall. She is still connected with the Divine through her own body, the feminine side. The High Priestess is intuition, feelings, hunches, guesses, the secretive subconscious that just let us know things in bits and pieces. She is meditation and Dreams. She is also very Shamanistic. She doesn't follow human rules or laws. She follows directions from the Divine and the Laws of The Universe. She doesn't have to many people skills. And she is in full self-respect and trust her Judgment skills. She is connected to the card 11 (1+1=2) Justice and the card 20 (2+0=2) Judgement Day.